About Us

If eyes are the window to the soul, teeth are the window to the face, and there is nothing worse than having a smile you are embarrassed by. Are you tired of hiding your mouth and trying not to let people see you laugh? At Great Smiles Dental, we are here to help.

Whether you were born with teeth that are imperfect, or yours have deteriorated over time, we have the solution. Specializing in cosmetic dentistry, we provide a range of services to improve, repair or even replace your current smile and leave you with a Hollywood feeling.

Great smiles Dental are partnered with the internationally renowned SmileHub Dental Implants Dublin.

Use our free online assessment or get in touch to start your journey to happiness today.

How CBD Oil Helps With Tooth Pain

With the increase in technology, modern ways of treating dental pains have emerged. There have been many discussions revolving around the link between cannabinoids and dental pain. CBD has mostly been used in the treatment of major illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, and even epilepsy. However, not many people identify it as a pain reliever for people suffering from tooth pains. CBD has analgesic, antioxidant, inflammatory and bone stimulating properties which makes it equally useful in dentistry. If you have been having dental issues that have persisted over the years, it would be good to visit your dentist and enquire about CBD as a solution. Various dental patients have given a good report after using CBD as a painkiller. There are various CBD options for you, even if you have dental anxiety. Some people have a real fear of going to the dentist despite them having dental issues. Products such as CBD oil reduces anxiety and helps with improving your dental health. There is a lot of misinformation in the world around cannabidiol and its benefits. The cannabidiol is one of the primary compounds that is found in the cannabis and hemp plants, and it is considered psychoactive. The THC, the other compound in the hemp plant is the one that causes you to be high. You don’t need to shun using CBD due to ignorance.

What Causes Tooth Ache? 

Do you ever wonder why there are so many people with dental issues? What causes tooth pains? Several things could cause you to have a toothache, but the most common one is an infection. Typically, the mouth is prone to having bacteria. When one doesn’t brush their teeth frequently or has poor oral hygiene, the bacteria start building up on the teeth and gums. This spreads to the blood vessels located in the most inner part of the tooth and the nerves as well. When the dentine, which comprises the blood vessels and the nerves becomes infected, it starts to hurt and this causes you to feel the pain. If you don’t take caution, and allow the bacteria to keep thriving, you might start having bad cavities. Also, the other reason for toothaches is the presence of periodontal diseases and their related painful abscesses. These diseases may affect your gum and bones, especially where the teeth have been grafted. If your teeth are overlapping or crooked, you may also experience some pain. Knowing what causes tooth pains is essential because you will be able to take prior measures to prevent falling victim. It is recommended to visit a professional if your toothache persists for a long time. The dental professionals will always advise a tooth cleaning session which plays a massive role in preventing the occurrence of any dental diseases.

CBD And Tooth Pain 

Through research, scientists have discovered the various health benefits of using CBD for dental health. CBD has multiple properties that make it a good alternative for treating oral diseases. First, it is anti-bacterial. This property makes it ideal for destroying bacteria. It also suppresses the growth of any bacteria, minimising the occurrence of cavities or tooth pain. Also, CBD is known for its analgesic properties. Its analgesic properties make it ideal for relieving pain. Tooth pains are usually severe, and sometimes the use of normal antibiotics and painkillers may not be effective. CBD is a very potent painkiller and is considered more powerful than the regular medications because of the way it interacts with the body’s pain receptors. If the pain becomes unbearable and you are not able to see the dentist immediately, applying some CBD oil on the affected areas will help you to treat the toothache. Its antiseptic property ensures that your oral system is free from bacteria which are the leading cause of tooth infections. It also slows down the growth of microbes. The above therapeutic properties make cannabidiol one of the best treatments for oral issues.

CBD And Tooth Sensitivity 

When your teeth are affected, they may become too sensitive. Sensitivity results when there is swelling around the gums or in the nerves. This causes you to have discomfort in your mouth. Using CBD helps because it provides a coating for the affected area. Basically, it gives a cushion between the damaged areas to pain-inducing conditions. It also helps to minimise the swelling in the gums, making you feel less discomfort. Swollen gums usually occur as a result of harmful bacteria found in your mouth. The application of CBD in the affected area kills the fungi and bacteria that are likely to form a home in your mouth. Since tooth decay is one of the things that will cause severe tooth pains, the use of cannabidiol is a great idea because of its bone stimulating and strengthening properties. If you can maintain healthy and strong teeth, the probability of you getting a tooth decay reduces.

Ways To Use CBD Oil In Your Mouth 

CBD plays a huge role in maintaining oral hygiene. If you want to have white teeth and a healthy gum, you should consider using the CBD infused toothpaste. If you don’t get the toothpaste, you can add some drops of your CBD oil, to your regular toothpaste. If you have severe tooth pain from swollen gums, you can apply some CBD oil directly onto the affected area. This method is considered fast, effective and secure when trying to minimise or get rid of tooth pain.

CBD is a great way to treat any oral issues you have and mostly the tooth pain. It has therapeutic properties which makes it ideal for treating tooth pain. Apart from the mentioned techniques, you could also drink a teabag with CBD extracts to fight the inflammation and pain.

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Cleaning?

Do you know what the benefits of dental cleaning are? You might think it’s just about getting a bright, white smile. That’s certainly the most obvious benefit, but it’s not the only one. Regular dental cleaning can seriously improve your health.

Taking care of your teeth isn’t just about flossing, rinsing, and brushing two times a day. You need to get regular teeth cleaning done by your dentist too. Keep reading to find out how routine dental cleanings can be advantageous to your overall health.

Keep Gum Disease At Bay 

If your gums bleed when you brush, or they’re just red and inflamed, then you might have gingivitis, which is one of the initial steps in the direction of full-blown gum disease. This usually happens because of an accumulation of plaque surrounding your teeth. Plaque that triggers gum disease is usually a powerful combination of bacteria and food. In order to keep gum disease at bay, it’s crucial that plaque is regularly cleaned away in order to maintain oral health. A good tooth cleaning will scrape plaque away.

Less Likelihood Of Stroke Or Heart Attack 

The bacteria present in your mouth don’t just have the potential to hurt your gums and teeth; they can actually make it into your bloodstream. If this happens, your odds of suffering a heart attack or stroke go up, which means that dental cleanings can actually help you live longer. A review of more than 100,000 adults in Taiwan revealed that those who had gotten a minimum of one dental cleaning in their life had 13% lower odds of stroke and 24% lower risks of a heart attack. Dental cleaning helps your body reduce the inflammation that bacteria causes.

Prevent Diabetes 

Did you know that gum disease and diabetes actually go hand-in-hand with each other? People that have diabetes are far more likely to wind up with gum disease. Conversely, someone with serious gum disease is going to have a hard time getting control over their own blood glucose levels, which means that gum disease can cause diabetes just as much as diabetes can cause gum disease. Good teeth cleanings remove the tartar and plaque that accumulate on teeth over time, which helps you avoid both diseases at the same time.

Lower Rates Of Dementia 

Regrettably, those with dementia and gum disease decline up to six times as fast as dementia patients whose teeth are healthy. Research has clearly established how bodily inflammation is associated with more mental decline in those with dementia. Periodontal bacteria can boost the inflammation happening inside the body of a dementia patient. Given this, proper dental cleanings and habits should negate at least some of the impact of dementia.

Avoid Low Birth Weight And/Or Premature Birth 

Nothing matters more to a parent than their own children. This is why expecting mothers need to do all they can to take care of their dental health. Gum disease is thought to be a contributing factor to both low birth weight and premature birth. Additionally, the disease might even result in situations of impotence and delayed conception.

Avoid Cavities 

Prevention is always easier than a cure, and it’s far more effective to boot. Dental health is no exception. Regular dental cleanings scrape the plaque off of your teeth, so you can avoid the leading cause known for tooth decay. Left alone, plaque just eats up your tooth enamel, eventually creating cavities. If these aren’t dealt with, then you’re going to wind up in a lot of pain and possibly even have your teeth taken out.

Wipe Out Bad Breath 

Nobody enjoys having bad breath. Some find it unpleasant, but others actually have a drop in self-esteem and confidence. Regular cleaning with your dentist and several times a day on your own is an effective way of keeping your breath odour-free.

Dental Cleaning Can Prevent A Variety Of Other Health Conditions 

It’s clearly established that your oral health can result in numerous health issues, but there are actually a number of health conditions that can influence your oral health. For instance, some medications can influence your dental health, including antidepressants, antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, and painkillers. While these various medications can have very useful primary purposes, they can also reduce the flow of saliva in your mouth, which just lets bacteria grow more. That’s due to the fact that saliva helps your mouth wash food away and neutralise bacterial acids. Without saliva, there’s nothing standing in the way of a microbial invasion that leads right to gum disease.

Dry Mouth Conditions

A number of immune systems disorders are also conditions that can result in the dry mouth where bacteria can run wild. Conditions and other disorders that can result in this include but are not limited to Sjogren’s syndrome, eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and head and neck cancers. HIV/AIDS can also result in serious oral health problems, so regular dental cleanings are necessary to mitigate the potential side effects if you are personally a carrier of this disease.

In Conclusion 

As you’ve read by now, you know that your general health and oral health are very much interlinked. This makes the benefits of dental cleaning quite obvious. Cleaning your teeth multiple times per day and seeing your dentist several times per year manage the plaque and bacteria in your mouth, and you need this done to both prevent diseases or conditions from happening, as well as preventing some existing conditions from making your health worse. Start a good self-care regimen right away and also see a dentist as soon as you can if it’s been more than six months.

Teeth Whitening at Home

A white smile is a healthy smile, right? That is the assumption. But teeth are susceptible to staining over time. Everyday things such as coffee, red wine, sugar, and tea are all known to cause brown stains in your mouth even if you keep your mouth clean. So when the damage is done, what are the steps you can take to whiten it?

Speak to Your Dentist

Firstly, it is important to establish whether your teeth are strong enough to withstand whitening. If they have weakened enamel, then it may cause pain and not be worth the outcome. Similarly, if you have had dental work such as crowns or implants, they will not whiten and might stand out. It is also not advised to do such procedures while pregnant.

Decide What Is Right for You

There is a multitude of ways you can whiten your teeth at home and it is important to figure out your preferred method. The easiest is toothpaste or mouthwash. It can be incorporated into your established daily routine and will increase whiteness over time. Second, and also very convenient is whitening strips. They are easily accessible in-store and if you suffer from light staining then results can be seen in only a few days. They’re low-maintenance and can be used by anyone.

Another popular option is bleaching trays. They are custom-fitted to your mouth to ensure the bleach is evenly spread and has the maximum effect. They’re also a good choice to get maximum whiteness in a short amount of time. Finally, the last and newest option is laser bleaching. While it isn’t suitable for all candidates, the results are immediate and effective however it can be pricy.

Tips for Aftercare

Once the whitening is done, how you treat your teeth for the next 24 hours is very important. What you eat and drink directly afterward can undo all your hard work. Be sure to stay away from coffee, tea, dark foods like red meat, soy sauce, chocolate and things like that. Also steer clear of cigarettes, colored toothpaste, and all fruit.

How Long Will It Last?

Depending on your teeth and the process used, the effects will last from between six months and two years. If your teeth are not as white as desired, be sure to leave a gap in-between treatments so as not to cause damage. It can also be an expensive process, so be sure to pick the right method for you that will have the longest results.

Tips for Improved Oral Health

When it comes to brushing your teeth, it doesn’t seem to be a difficult concept. Twice a day, toothpaste and water, then boom, you’re done. However, some steps can be taken to improve even the most fastidious brusher and keep your mouth in top condition.

Electric Toothbrush

Now, this one sounds simple, but manual toothbrushing just doesn’t compare to what an electric toothbrush can do. It has been scientifically proven that after using an electric brush for just a few weeks reduces the levels of bacteria and plaque significantly. They might seem like a luxury purchase, but there are now high-quality brushes available on the high street for a reasonable price and the benefits are undeniable.


Have you been flossing? The infamous question that all dentists ask. But aside from this occasion, flossing can seem like a distant memory, when it is an instrumental key to good oral hygiene. Flossing twice a day, alongside brushing can significantly help improve the health of your gums. The removal of plaque and food particles lowers the risk of gingivitis and can stop health issues such as bleeding gums.


This is another given, which may be brushed aside as a luxury item. Mouthwash can reach the bacteria that a toothbrush can’t just purely due to the fact it is a liquid. However, it is important to read the ingredients and not just pick up any bottle. Try and purchase an alcohol-free bottle as the alcohol can cause side effects ranging from dry mouth to an increased risk of oral cancer.

Tongue Scrapers

Despite it’s known health benefits, tongue scraping is something that a majority of people don’t partake in. However, scraping morning and night can significantly improve bad breath – a concern that many of us face. Not only that, but it gets rid of the white build up on the tongue that can only be partially reduced with a toothbrush.

It’s important to buy a tongue scraper and not use something like a spoon instead as they are nowhere near as effective. Frequent use can improve the overall health of the tongue and can even make it more sensitive to taste!

Don’t Brush Straight After Eating Sugar

Sugar is known to thin the enamel on the teeth and if you brush straight after consuming it then it will have lasting damage on your dental health. It’s not just sweets and chocolate that you have to look out for. There is also a high level of sugar in sodas and fruit juice that can’t be ignored. Be sure not to brush your teeth after a morning glass of orange juice if you want to keep your mouth healthy.

It is also recommended that you visit an orthodontist for advice on straightening your teeth as having crooked teeth could lead to receding gums and oral issues in the future.

Contact Us

Got any questions? Great Smiles Dental is here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team of staff, who will be happy to assist. Otherwise you can use our online service to set up an obligation-free assessment.

Already decided your next step to the perfect smile? Call us or book online to secure your appointment today.